Investment Management GW Financial Investment Management GW Financial

Transferring Wealth: Are you Mentally Prepared?

Transferring wealth is a multifaceted process that entails navigating intricate legal, financial, and emotional considerations, and hence demands thorough and meticulous planning. Planned giving, in particular, is a significant decision that has far-reaching financial and emotional implications. Therefore, it is crucial to approach planned giving with careful consideration and attention to detail.

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GW Financial GW Financial

Transferring Wealth: Your Guide to Success

There are certain subjects that are off limits in polite conversation. Transferring wealth is one of them, but secrecy about wealth within families can do more harm than good. Leaving a lasting legacy and ensuring the next generation can handle family wealth starts with a conversation.

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GW Financial GW Financial

Thirty-Day Spending Review

The purpose of a Thirty-Day Spending Review is not to create a paper chase for expenditures but just to create awareness about spending. We have been spending all our lives and have formed habits that we no longer notice. Not being cognizant about where money goes is a common source of financial stress.

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GW Financial GW Financial

HELOC-ked In

A HELOC is a financial strategy used with caution. Your home is the collateral for the loan and detracts from your personal net worth if not used wisely. A trusted advisor can help you understand the nuances of this commonly used tool to build wealth.

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Investment Management GW Financial Investment Management GW Financial

Wealth In Equity: Private Mortgage Insurance, Forgotten Costs

With the housing market up meaningfully since its peak in 2006, we have amazing wealth in equity. However, new homeowners have been required to meet strict guidelines to qualify for a mortgage. Once such qualification is purchasing Private Mortgage Insurance (PMI). Reviewing your situation with a financial advisor can help bring attention to these costs so you can eliminate them.

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